recycling industry, continues to generate value for both  the

0212 567 3850



With its extensive experience in the industry, Birlik Recycling Plastic, which produces recycled plastic raw materials, serves customers in Turkey and neighboring countries by supplying polymers; it also holds a significant position among industrial actors with its product range and customer portfolio in this field.

In addition to the products it stocks, it responds instantly to demands from business partners and stakeholders through dynamic and reliable supply channels worldwide, within the framework of a sustainable business understanding. Birlik not only contributes to the supply of raw materials but also meets the need for current and reliable information on the polymer market; it actively takes part in all activities touching the environment, people, and economy in the circular industry.

Results-oriented, open to growth, collaborative, respectful to the environment, building strong relationships, reputable, supporting its suppliers, rational, entrepreneurial, innovative, and endorsing many values such as growth through sharing, Birlik Recycling Plastic is at your service with its national and international collaborations and expert staff.

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