recycling industry, continues to generate value for both  the

0212 567 3850

Our Ethical Values

Our Ethical Values

Being Human First

A Birlik employee is aware of their responsibilities, keeps their word, and is trustworthy; they base their actions on honesty and ethics, and ensure respect for the company of which they are a part and represent.

Adding Value to Partnerships

A Birlik employee prioritizes adding value to all interactions with stakeholders. They believe that commercial paths that do not intersect today will cross with friendship in the long term. They believe in the value created by moving forward together.

Being Open to Transformation and Criticism

A Birlik employee believes the world is rebuilt every day and works to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, enhance productivity, adapt to new things, and increase efficiency. They are open to transformation and criticism.

Being Honest and Fair in Stakeholder Relations

A Birlik employee is extremely honest with all stakeholders they interact with, both inside and outside the company, and fulfills the requirements of a sense of justice in these relationships.

Exemplary Behavior

A Birlik employee takes the highest level of responsibility related to their job. From managers to team members, each individual exemplifies the company culture with general working principles and behaviors. They efficiently use, protect, develop, and expand all the company's assets.

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

A Birlik employee adheres to the principle of staying away from conflicts of interest and does not use the company's name for personal gain. They do not display behaviors that could tarnish the company's reputation.

Being Environmentally Conscious

A Birlik employee is naturally environmentally conscious due to the nature of their work, knows that natural resources are not infinite, prevents wastage of these resources, and contributes to the economy by protecting the environment for today and tomorrow.

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