recycling industry, continues to generate value for both  the

0212 567 3850

About Us

About Us

Our story began in 1999 with the scrap trade.

We have done every job with passion, love, and care.

The numerous contributions we have made to the environment, nature, economy, and plastic industry have motivated us.

With the awareness that we have borrowed the world from our children, we have continued to expand our goals for a greener, cleaner world to live in. Every thank you we received made us happy.

Our journey for a more livable world continues.

We keep waking up every new day excited to do better.

The European Green Deal, signed by all countries worldwide in 2019, is an agreement that will shed light on the next hundred years. The common point of the agreement is to create a more sustainable and cleaner world and to reduce carbon emissions.

This very important roadmap is built on a circular economy.

The vital role of recycling raw material production, which reduces greenhouse emissions and saves energy, is crucial for a greener, cleaner world.

We will continue to take on more responsibility in building a greener and cleaner world and work to leave a better world for our children.

From 1999 to the present…

On 15,000 square meters of open area

In 5,000 square meters of enclosed space

With an annual capacity of 24,000 tons

And an annual import permit for 12,000 tons of waste

With our experienced staff

And a fully equipped laboratory

We purify and reclaim plastic waste from nature, contributing to the economy

With every ton of recycling, we achieve:

A reduction of 42 kg in greenhouse gases

5,774 kW of energy

And an 80% energy savings

We produce for a better tomorrow.

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